Главная » 2013 » Апрель » 17 » "MUMIYO +2" And HIS(ITS) USING.-продолжение -2
"MUMIYO +2" And HIS(ITS) USING.-продолжение -2

33.       The Allergy, asthma - закапывают in nose 2% solution мумиQ on 3 dripped in each nostril three times at day.

The Day expense 0,2-0,3 gr мумиQ.

The Rest мумиQ закапывать on upper sky, with such payment that solution got on lug.

Unless it is felt improvement, that percent contents мумиQ it is necessary to enlarge gradually, but not more than 15%.

Use before curing, or before improvement of the condition (the asthma), at intensification of the asthma treatment to repeat.

At asthma заваривают as tea sheet melissas medicinal - лимонник chinese.

Possible drink with молоком, коровьим fat and honey.


34.       The Chronic inflammation bud, nephritis - a dose мумиQ is selected on maximum urination individually, and can be from 0,1 before 0,5 gr мумиQ. The Accompanyinging treatment - traditionally.

The Rate 60 days.

Look above - a disease bud.

35.       At nosebleeds Aristoteli закапывал in each nostril mixture мумиQ with camphor.  (Possible increase the bleeding).

For treatment of the stutter, he recommended to swab the language by mixture мумиQ with honey.


36.       Abu Ali Ibn Sienna (Avicenna) recommended the мумиQ on 0,71 gr with juice of the marjoram (the душица common) for treatment migraine , festering inflammations average fish soup, fracture of the bones, dislocation, bruise, ran. palsy of the face nerve - on 0,035 gr. Mumiyo in mixture with rose mask and tart grape juice. On 0,19 gr recommended to receive a visit at mixture with silk decoction , thickened молоком or lentil decoction at treatment of the diseases organ digestions (the belly, liver, spleens).


37.       Muhammad Tabib for reinforcement sexual to functions recommended 0,2-0,3 gr мумиQ in mixture with honey. Zapivati juice carrot or облепихи. The Rate of the treatment 25 days. The Reinforcement sexual to activities is felt for 6-7 days. If required repeat.


38.       Muhammad Husein SHirazi indicated that in mixture with juice of the dandelion, parsleys вонючей, juice of the whortleberry, семенами of the caraway common, cucumber juice or yolk яиц, мумиQ well helps at peptic ulcer of the belly, constipation, трофических canker and woundings, mixed carrot with juice мумиQ intensifies the sexual a function and promotes the fertization beside "futile" womans. In mixture with peach mask or коровьем fat well helps at constipation and perfects the condition sick геморроем.


39.       Tromboflebit deep вен lower limbs - 0,3 gr under language in current 10 days.

At treatment after break to repeat.

40.       Gaymorit - and accompanying him diseases - закапывать in nose 2-4% solution мумиQ, nose close the ваткой and conduct фонофорез (UVCH).

Possible in гайморову sinus to enter the solution an мумиQ by means of prick.

41.       Osteohondroz - cervical and lumbar division of the spine with expressed корешковым reflex - an нейродистрофическими syndrome- lies the longitudal electrophoresis 8-30 sessions 4% solution мумиQ.


42.       The Neuralgia and невралго nephritises тройничного nerve - a treatment by preparation мумиQ in the manner of electrophoresis (полумаска Bergonie) 4% solution in distilled water through anode at amperage 2-5 mA. length 15-20 minutes, rate of the treatment 10 days.


43.       The Nephritis of the face nerve. The Electrophoresis with мумиQ in the manner of полумаски Bergonie 4 % solution of the preparation in distilled water through anode at amperage 2-5 ma length 15-20 minutes.

The Rate of the treatment from 10-20 sessions.

In stubborn events reasonable to conduct the complex терапию, including and ферментативно - рассасывающее treatment лидазой.


44.       The Traumatic damages nerve - a complex treatment electrophoresis with 4% solution мумиQ and in day лидаза. Possible фонофорез.

Lidaza can be incorporated two ways - an инъекции in thick mass scar, or electrophoresis in area scar on 64 units.

The Rate of the treatment 12-15 инъекций or session of the electrophoresis and as much as мумиQ.


45.       The Mastitis, leukemia, radioactive irradiation - a treatment ditto, either as сердечнососудистые diseases.

Length of the treatment three-four months for mastitis and leukemia.

The Treatment of the radioactive irradiation, as a rule, corresponds to this time, but it is necessary to bear in mind degree of the defeat.

Possible, rate of the treatment to come to repeat.

The Expense мумиQ on rate of the treatment 20 grams.

Use in food carrot juice and the other products of the power supply, богатые by vitamin "A" - an каротином (ретиновая acid) - (the pumpkin, joint and others.)

MUMIYO - a public facility.

Mumiyo does not bring the harm, and does not render no underactions, negative consequence, it removes all poisons organic origin from organism.

On this his(its) characteristic, but in the same way on that that мумие restores the energy matrix of the body of the person and conducts correction гомеостаза, is founded halt and developments some type cancer (in particular belly - an acceptance 0,2 grams мумиQ under language, on an empty stomach at day once, 10 days to take, five- ten days break).

Take constantly.

If treatment is commenced more than two months before lethal upshot, that person will live.

Using мумиQ in the last stage of the cancer - removes the болевые of the sensation, agitates the appetite and, for several days delays the uncoupling.

Using мумиQ with carrot juice, as a rule, brings about full recovery.

Besides necessary to take away all types an awe and stress - take away the biological conflicts!


46.       Poliartrit - take on 0,3 gr under language 10 days, 5 days break.

The Rate 24 grams.

If required in month to repeat second and third rate. The Whole 48 gr, 72 gr..

47.       Zagib shakes of the womb - take on 0,2 gr under language 10 days to take, 5 days break, simultaneously tamponses with мумиQ on night.

After break rate to repeat, possible, 2 times.

At treatment воздержать from sexual relationship.

48.       Canker of the womb - спринцевание and take on 0,2 gr. Rate 18- 36 gr.

49.       The Thorns - a postponing the salts on heel, knee and etc. 0,2 gr in the morning and at night.

The Doses 24, 36, 54,72 gr depending on рассасывания salts.

Is accompanied the pain.

Use the processed magnet water for drink and preparations of the food.

50.       The Tuberculosis of the bones - take on 0,2 gr with молоком and honey.

Doses 18,36,48 gr.

51.       Eczema - take on 0,3 gr. Rate 18,28,41 gr.

52.       Shortsightedness - take on 0,2 gr. Rate 14,24,45 gr. Zapivati carrot juice.

53.       Sclerosis - take on 0,2 gr. Rate 6,12,18,24 gr.


54.       The Pleurisy - on 0,2 gr. Rate 6 - 24 gr depending on рассасывания.


55.       The Warmhearted asthma - take on 0,1 gr in the morning and at night. Rate 12,18,24 gr.


56.       Whooping cough - take on 0,5 gr. Rate of the treatment 5,15,25 gr.


57.       Scarlet fever - take on 0,5 gr. Rate 5,15,25 gr.


58.       The Complications after influenza - take on 0,2 gr for hour before VWVappear in the dreams. The Rate 6,12,18,24 gr..

At presence several diseases of the dosage must be is accordingly increased. 

If required, through two-three months treatment must be again.

MUMIYO cures sick, rather then signs disease so process of the treatment carries it is enough long period.

MUMIYO delutes the composition shelters, prevents the aggregation an тромбоцитов, reduces холестерин shelters, enlarges the penetrating ability shelters, and as effect, blood after using мумиQ begins to enter in place, where entered only lymph.

On this effect is founded improvement of the power supply the fabric organism and рассасывающее action.

Mumie is a beautiful make-up facility. Particularly well it copes with wrinkle and in general sign of the premature diligence. You Do the примочки and go 4% solution on 5 grams 3 times at day for 30 minutes before meal.

            In complex treatment мумие with Bucket, иммуновитом are cured:

1.         The Heavy forms of the tuberculosis in combination with hepetitis, sugar diabetes and allergy on antibiotics in current 60-90 days.

2.         The Hepetitises for 55 days.

3.         All types герпесов for 45 - 70 days.

4.         The Tuberculosis bud and bones.

5.         The Bronchial asthma for 45-70 days.

6.         The Disease organ digestions, liver, bud, postate gland.

7.         The Postoperative sepsis and other inflammatory processes in organism.

8.         Beside weakened детей with backlog weight increases in physical development and physical activity.

9.         Beside sick DCP slowly falls спаситика, improves the memory.

10.       Short using мумие in complex with Bucket and иммуновитом is a preventive maintenance and warning the complications from viral and bacterial infection.

11.       The Complex treatment Mumie with Bucket and иммуновитом avoids иммунодефицит, promotes quick reconstruction of power under physical and mental load, perfects the atheletic results, not being doping.

In these cases, the мумие is taken on above-mentioned methods daily, but BADY and иммуновит as requested.

            Advisable using Bucket and other medicinal facilities to produce on evidences hardware-programme complex "AUR-UM" "Г-Р-И-Ф-А-Т-Т-О-М" author's development.  This device in the same way, either as мумие brings гомеостаз in rate, restores his(its) energy matrix of the physical body, energy system of the person, given by god.

(Can render the assistance in aquisition hardware - a programme complex "AUR-UM" "Г-Р-И-Ф-А-Т-Т-О-М" author's development). 


It is Necessary gingerly to use the мумиQ at bleedings, мочекаменной disease, детям before 12 years.

But simultaneously it is necessary to bear in mind that dyspepsia - a total blood poisoning - not подвластная in some cases other medicine, safely cures the мумиQ.

The Dosage for детей must be reduced in two times.

Necessary to note that using mummy with vinigar (apple, grape) raises свертываемость shelters (is used under ample bleedings beside womans at month period ).  In древни timeses was used even for stop of the bleeding from light with vinigar.


Us when processing мумиQ +2, for improvement his(its) quality, is used two KNOW-HOWS, being secret of the producer.


GRATIS consultation will is given under the personal address not only on above stated using мумиQ, but also on questions of each concrete event with provision for индивидуальности.


All aforesaid pertains to our - high-quality MUMIYO +2- MUMIYO +2, which can be accepted by world standard quality.


When using specified by Mumiyo+2 effect is guaranteed - an expenseses return if using does not give the expected effect that is excluded.

The Compiler - Bogdanov Arsentiy Aleksandrovich.





Telephone: (8 10 998 374) 2241712, +998932526089

                (8 710 4912) 331164

4.         THE LITERATURE:


1.         N.M. Nasyrov "Revealling secret мумиQ" 1969

2.         A.SH. SHarkirov "Secrets of the ancient balsam мумиQ - asili"1973 year

3.         Labour Guard Journal and socialism 1968

4.         Journal "Health"   8 1969

5.         Ibn Sienna "Canon врачебной sciences" t. 2 p. 200

6.         Public sciences   11 1974

7.         Material 1,2 межреспубликанских symposium on study of the action мумиQ (Dushanbe 1965, Pyatigorsk 1972)

8.         A.SH. SHakirov "Mumiyo - асиль in complex treatment fracture bones" publishers FAN 1976

9.         N.M. Madzhidov , A.SH. SHakirov, YU.YULDASHEV "Mumiyo - a facilitator of the regenerative processes" 1980

10.       A.A. Altamyshev, B.K. Korchubekov "That we are aware of Mumiyo" Frunze 1980.

11.       The Nature of the tumors with positions of German New Medicine. Kerolayn Markolin 2006.


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