Главная » 2013 » Апрель » 17 » "MUMIYO +2" And HIS(ITS) USING.-продолжение
"MUMIYO +2" And HIS(ITS) USING.-продолжение


How much sick women(woman)s will pay for operation of the mastitis?

What pleasure they get from operation, when they lose the bosom - one of the main decorations of the women(woman)?

As they will look at oneself with cut bosom if even operation passed successfully?

 Do Not forget that successful operation only 3%.

Really each of they calculate that will be in these 3%?

97% прооперированных sick are subjected to the chemotherapies and the other type of the gruelling high-priced treatment, killing иммунитет and life itself, yes realize the nursing careless врачебной systems. The Suppressing majority врачей - a neighborly врачей - about this not even guess - their so have taught - have duped the system of the education and practice, ostensibly, treatments of the person, but practically treatments his(its) disease.


MUMIE, and immediately!


Excessive to speak of leukemia and radioactive irradiation.

The Question broadly known hundred sick.

How much cost(stand)s and to that brings the present-day treatment - many know.


Mumie, and immediately!


The Whole 20гр on fabled low price!


            Hurry to store the мумие on reduced prices in several times!

Mumie promotes recovering the energy matrix of the physical body of the person, energy system, physical body repeats energy. But since at a rate of energy body of the person of no no diseases, all disease disappear and on physical level.

Mumie is not a poison - as all medicinal preparations. It does not cure the disease, as all poisons named medicine. Mumie harmless for person and does not render no negative influence on organism. No medicinal facilities cures sick, but his(its) pickling - cures the disease.

But all thought up physician-charlatan for present-day day on treatment and исцеление, more so that not on treatment of the person, but on treatment his(its) disease - a temporary relief, or absolutely безрезультативное until beside it will not work ok that is given by nature: this his(its) brain and that is given by God, his(its) energy system.

Any disease appears as a result шокового of the conflict (the stress).

When brain gets шоковый blow, that is simultaneously struck organ or fabrics of the body, which this smitten area of the brain checks. The Control organ can answer or разрастанием its fabrics - a growing to tumors, or reduction its fabrics - an ulcerating the organ.

The Awe to deaths causes the defeat of the pulmonary alveoluses. The Hutches of the alveoluses will be instant to multiply, tumor will grow until awe to deaths will be active, t. k. mortal panic equales to impossibility to breathe. Increase the number of the hutches light promotes the expansion of the possibility light to gas exchange - an additional chance for survival.

Since curing can occur only after permits of the biological conflict, that main is a discovery and permit biological conflict.

Modern medicine growing tumors classifies on доброкачественные tumors and malignancies.

 The Nature never creates nothing malignant, she always works goal-directed for ensuring the survival.

Zapugivanie people doggy style creates the new defeats of the brain and growing of the tumors corresponding to organ. Finally organism - his(its) иммунная system killing chemotherapy - does not manage and the second phase - recovery does not approach. More so that instead of that to reveal and allow the biological conflict, modern врачебная system forces the awes on person, beside which appeared the доброкачественная tumor, directed on continuation of his(its) lifes. In brain appear the new centres, which cause разрастание new organ.

Necessary to take away all awes and stresses, only then begin the second stage - recovery of the person!

The Notion cancer придумано physicians-charlatan for expansion of its business.

The Cancer, in the opinion of author, this зомбирование brain on quick completion of the lifes (the lethal upshot) caused нагнетанием awe on the part of врачей - a charlatans with using врачебного hypnosis.

Modern medicine not only can not, but also never will want to do You completely sound. The Medical business, either as any other business, first of all, targeted on constant and всевозрастающую profit.

 As You think, are interested producers medicine, but in the same way their seller that all people were sound? Nor for who not secret that good medicine cost much! Many people simply can not itself their allow. But the price for integer rates treatments from heavy diseases often in general зашкаливают for groups of ten, but that and a hundreds of a thousands of the dollars!

Certainly, medicine needs, but cost(stand)s to acknowledge that fact that much often she малоэффективна, at other times - simply week, but other once - simply bad, both for Your кошелька, and for Your health.

It is Necessary in the same way to remember that 70% all diagnosis are put(deliver)ed physician of the world wrong and 60% medicine forged, yes and have turned efforts врачей of the world on treatment disease, rather then sick!

"Highwayman requires: purse - or life.

The Physician deprives the purse, and life."  (Beside. SHekspir).

The natural way of the treatment used Before Gippokrata physicians - a rest, голодание, diet, exercises, solar and water baths.

In the beginning physicians Gippokratovskoy schools actively used the natural ways of the treatment. But afterwards started to increase using that magic material, which later become known as medicine, made their medical characteristic. And, having abandoned to natural ways of the treatment, become actively obtrude the people miserable slave dependency from causing disease poison. Only step for at a walk medicinal practice took the top on skill to adjust the lifestyle sick. The Growing aggressiveness of the facilities characterized the evolution of medicine since moment of her(its) generation around IV age before n. e. School Gippokrata was mainly school of the medicinal treatment.

Thereby, followers Gippokrata have pawned the structure, which zealous follows modern medicine.

The Truth, there is two small questions: but was indeed very Gippokrat? And if there was, that will not bring he mankind more harm, than profits?

The Questions not so mad, as this seems at first thought. One of first their has put(deliver)ed the american Gerbert Shelton. About, this was an unique person! He has lived nearly one hundred years and perished as a result of accident, in most bloom creative замыслов and new идей, being uncommonly vigorous, merry, sound and successful persons. Already one this fact, agree, deserves certain respects.

But besides, Shelton - this great physician, philosopher, humanist of the twentieth age - was a doctor of medicine, pediatrics, surgery, диетологии, философии, literature... Has Written the more forty scientific works, translated languages on groups of ten, much years presided in International society гигиенистов, was a main by editor english journal "Hygenic review". Else long before its unexpected care Shelton became hereby гуру for all, who tries to reach health by natural methods.


The Methods and approaches natural hygiene cardinal disperse with modern medicine. The Comprehensible deal: one side hopes on natural sanitary facilities, the other - on medicine. And these two begin frantic and desperately fight on length millennium. But stumbling block, inherently, only one: since all вылечить sick person?

Shelton notes that present west medicine arose in greek colony of the Small Asia on border V-IV ages before n.e., "at period full игнорирования anatomies, physiologies, pathology and other sciences". And is bound she with name directly, ostensibly, great Gippokrata.

However Shelton категорично confirms: cult this scientist husband was will artificially distribute.

"Znamenitaya vow Gippokrata there is whole only recovering the ethical edifications, worded else egyptian жрецами".

Here Shelton much категоричен: "Now medicine characterizes the quackery in the same measure, either as at days Gippokrata... In his(its) works possible to find the word, reflecting one of the the most fatal fraud, dominated in wit physician. This lie still keep the modern physicians. No nothing more terrible, than practice, founded on principle - than больнее patient, than отчаяннее his(its) condition, than he слабее - that more beside it need for drastic remedies. When ability falls beside sick to resistivity and his(its) easy kill, physicians offer him the most dangerous treatment".

Thereby, role Gippokrata (rumpled or real - never mind) very great. Exactly after he has occurred great and final schism. Medicine beyond hope распалась on two parts, desperately feuding with each other - medicinal medicine and natural. And beside that, and beside other there is grandiose victories and frantic defeats. What choose - solve themselves.

3.         Using and dose.

1.         Zero acidity of the belly - 1 gr. мумиQ on 1 l water.

Take on glass 3 times at day before meal for half an hour.

The Rate dose 10 gr. мумиQ. The Rate of the treatment 2 weeks.

2.         The Peptic ulcer - 0,25 gr. мумиQ on 1 kg. weight sick.

The Rate dose ( the weight 100 kgs- 25 gr мумиQ).

Receive a visit at dissolved type on glass 3 times at day for half an hour before meal.

Keep the diet. When receiving мумиQ alcohol is categorically forbidden.

The Rate 2 weeks.  Instead of water possible to divorce the молоком with accompaniment of the honey and interleave the breeding of the preparation juice, herb of the parsley, caraway, whortleberries with yolk яиц.

In the first 3-4 days of the acceptance мумие to pains are sharply intensified.

3.         The Constipations - 0,2 gr. Mumiyo on an empty stomach, запевать damp water. Take three times at day. Rate of the treatment -10 gr.

4.         The Colitis - 0,15гр мумиQ on night. Rate - 10 gr.


5.         The Erosion shakes wombs - 2,5гр мумиQ on 100 gr. Water. The Tamponses on night in 4х percent solution мумиQ before curing. The Rate 2-4 weeks.

Take on 0,2гр. мумиQ under language. Expense мумиQ 12, 36 gr.

6.         Qatar upper respiratory ways - 2,5гр мумиQ on 100 gr. water, rinse and swallow 3 times at day for half an hour before meal. Possible conduct ингаляцию solution мумиQ.

7.         The Angina - 0,3 gr мумиQ under language, запивать молоком, заедать honey. Acceptance 2-3 times at day.

8.         The Head cold - закапывать in nose solution мумиQ concentration from 2 before 15 % three times at day. Begin with low concentration unless helps the concentration to enlarge gradually.

9.         The Burns - swab the concentrated solution an мумиQ burnt places (approximately do the solution in the manner of sour cream).

Not to give высыхать , gradually grease in current 5-10 minutes, then inflict линимент стрептоцида or синтомицина.

At appearance жжения on separate places to produce перемешивание with nearby area (the emulsion dark-brown colour).

When using the facility at the first seconds after burn - even burns 1-2- degree do not leave the trace.

If time lost, мумиQ is used 1-3% solution with accompaniment of novocaine, but in the same way in inside on 0,5 gr. Mumiyo 1 once in day in current 10 days with 5 day breaks before curing.

Possible impose the armband, ed in solution мумиQ (0,2 gr мумиQ to teaspoon 0,5% solution of novocaine). Under strong burn acceptance on 0,2гр with молоком and honey.

Advisable prepare the unguent on base стрептоцидовой or синтомициновой to emulsions with мумиQ and swab the burnt places. The Effect excellent.


10.       The Stone in мочевом bubble - 0,72 gr мумиQ on 1000мл water.

Drink three times at day on glass for half an hour before meal in current 10 days.

After break 5-10 days at rate to repeat.

In food to use the garden cress, carrot, juice of the beet. The Lemon with skin.

11.       The Canker urinary bubble - 0,72 gr мумиQ on 100 ml молока.

Drink once at day on an empty stomach.

Whereupon two hours not to eat, keep the diet.

The Rate 10 gr. Mumiyo.

At pain in channel, the detention of the urine in addition to carry in channel мумиQ in mixture with honey.

12.       Radikulit, rheumatism - 0,25 gr мумиQ to take under language at night.

The Rate 10 gr. Mumiyo.

On sore spot to rub the emulsion an мумиQ ( 5 gr. Mumiyo on 2-5 ml. water) in rubber glove in current 3-5 minutes before dark colour of the skin after bank (ample потоотделение), tie around the woolly charge and not to remove three days.

The Expense мумиQ depends on amounts of the sore spot.

Necessary three - six натираний.

Before liniment unguent, prepared on base мумиQ, follows to swab the hands boiled mask that it did not adhere to hand or натирание produces in rubber glove.

13.       The Inflammation average fish soup - a tamponses, примочки, drink.

The Rate 10 gr. Mumiyo.

Possible закапывать in ear solution мумиQ, mixed with rose mask and коровьем fat.


14.       The Warmhearted pains - 0,25 gr. Mumiyo under language on night.

10 days to take, 5 days break. The Rate 10 gr. мумиQ.

Length of the treatment 55 days.

15.       The Hepetitis sharp or chronic- 0.25гр мумие under language on night on lean belly.

10 days to take, five days break.

Kurs-10gr мумиQ.

The Disease passes in light form.

Using мумиQ after carried disease sharply perfects the condition sick.

Even, when days sick сочтены as a result of treatments in hospital condition, using мумиQ returns him(it) to normal sound life.

16.       The Liver, buds - 2 gr. мумиQ on 1 l water. Take 3 times at day on glass before meal. Zapivati juice of the sugar beet. 10 days to take, 5 days break. For 10 days expense 15 gr. мумиQ.

For the first time 4 days to pains are intensified, but then completely disappear.

The Rate 1-2 months. Expense мумиQ 30-60 gr.

17.       The Second variant - for liver - замерить temperature of the body sick, take under language 0,05 gr. мумиQ and in 30 minutes замерить temperature of the body sick.

If the temperature did not change, that the following day dose мумиQ to enlarge on 0,05 gr. And so until the temperature of the body sick to increase if only for 0,1 degrees on Celsius.

This and will be for given by concrete sick medical dose.

Take her(it) before full extraction.

18.       The Second variant - for bud -a methods d.m.n. academician Huzhamberdyeva M. A. to Collect the dayly urine and exactly замерить her(its) amount in ml.

Take under language 0,1 gr. мумиQ and once again замерить dayly urine.

The following day dose мумиQ to enlarge on 0,1 gr. i.e. take 0.2гр мумиQ and once again замерить dayly urine and etc.

In the beginning мочеотделение will increase, then, in spite of increase the dose мумиQ, will fall.

The Dose мумиQ, under which was maximum мочеотделение, and will be for given by sick medical dose. 

Conduct the rate of the treatment by scientific method in stationary condition and in addition take the medical dose an мумиQ.

Length of the treatment 2 months.

The Relapse of the disease did not exist.

Under scientific method of the treatment relapse is repeated annually.

19.       Cistit - 10 gr. Mumiyo on 250 ml. water. Syringe on night.

20.       Primochki from tumors and wounds - 3 gr. мумиQ on 10 gr. water.

The Compresses on night , acceptance on 0,2 gr on an empty stomach.

The Rate 10 gr. мумиQ.

Possible dissolve in 0,5% solution of novocaine - instead of water.

21.       The Sugar diabetes - 0,5 gr мумиQ under language before meal in the morning, before сном at night, 10 days to take, 5 days break.

Three rates. Through 3-4 days sugar comes to rate.

After break 30-60 days treatment if required repeat.

22.       The Second variant - take on 0,2 gr rate 6,12,18,24 gr. to Use the young escapes of blackberry, celery- sheet - заваривать as tea and drink instead of tea.

23.       The Glaucoma - 0,2 gr мумиQ for half an hour before meal, запивать juice of the sugar beet.

Acceptance daily 3-4 times. The Rate before curing.

24.       The Hypertension - 0,2 gr мумиQ to take on night in current 10 days, break 5 days. The Rate 6-10 gr мумиQ.

The Improvement from one rate 30-50%.

In food: change fat an animal origins olive and corn mask.  

Use in food богатые potassium products - a bananas, dried apricots, peaches, apricots, cherry, whortleberry, raspberry, cabbage, baked potatoes, rice and others Limit use to cookery salt.

Use the onion, garlic.

25.       Paradontoz - a baring gums - 2,5% solution мумиQ to rinse and drink, or aplique works (ватный tampons to the solution an мумиQ and keep as possible long on desnah.) At scurvy necessary почистить teeths before сном and concentrated by solution (the consistency sour cream) rub the мумиQ between gums and teeth, go to bed.

The Rate before month.

26.       The Fractures of the bones - 0,2 gr мумиQ on night under language on an empty stomach. 10 days to take, 5 days break.

Zapivati молоком or fruit by juice.

The Rate 6-10 gr. мумиQ.

For the first time two-three years after fracture possible appearance of the pains before change the weather or under big load on place of the fracture.

In this case it is necessary to take 0,2гр мумиQ.

27.       The Migraine, epilepsy, palsy, languor organ, dizziness - 0,07 gr-0,1 gr мумиQ with juice or decoction of the major (the душица) drink 3 times at day for half an hour before meal before full extraction.

Never sleep on back - on belly only and on side.

28.       At bruise of the thorax - with damage her(its) organ - 0,2 gr мумиQ with decoction of the wild caraway ажгона or caraway common.

Drink three times for half an hour before meal before curing.

29.       At rheumatic fever, the sprains, after bruise - 0,5-0,7 gr мумиQ to disturb with rose mask on water bath.

The Mixture to drink together with decoction crimean bob, yolk 3-4 яиц before curing.  

Wax similarly p 12. Expense from 12 gr before 36 gr.

30.       At bite of the scorpion - 0,2 gr мумиQ and 0,2 gr мумиQ to enclose on укушенное place with cream mask.

31.       When poisoning poison - 0,15 gr мумиQ in decoction хасака and ferules вонючей.

32.       The мумиQ пьют With wine under кашле, with vinigar under bad свертываемости shelters and against pains at rheumatism.


Просмотров: 296 | Добавил: arsentiy | Теги: шерлатаны, leukemia, correction гомеостаза, Using, certificates, sepsis, highwayman, physician, cancer, mastitis | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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